02-08-2024 - 07-08-2024

On Wednesday 7/8/2024, Rotary Club of Mahad distributed Rotary News Magazine to the school students at New English School Chandwe (Khurd), Twinkle Star English Medium School Akla and Sanskardham Madhyamik Vidyalaya Kharvali for the school library. Many good activities are carried out all over the world so that the children can get the information about them through Haya magazine and this activity was carried out by the Rotary Club to spread the work of Rotary far and wide. This Rotary News Magazine by Rotary is published every month worldwide

Project Details

Start Date 02-08-2024
End Date 07-08-2024
Project Cost 4500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 120
No of direct Beneficiaries 550
Partner Clubs Na
Non Rotary Partners NA
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy