10-12-2022 - 08-01-2023

The district fellowship meet was arrange at Murud Zanjira and Zanjira Fort by Rotary Club of Mahad 7 January and 8 January 2023 in association with Indian Coast Guards , The total number of participations were 140 and 25 Clubs from every corner of the district were involved, food for dinner was excellent and enjoyed with camp fire the total entertainment program was managed by Coast guards officers and Rotarians . Full package of games, sheroshire, jokes, songs and dance . Everybody experience ultimate joy this meet was different. It was combination of knowledge of national security , history entertainment and cultural program, Captain of the ship Mr Prashant Gojare and Asst Com Miss chandani Chatterji gave a very informative and interesting details about arms and aminations and the cockpit and latest technology for the security of costal area.

Project Details

Start Date 10-12-2022
End Date 08-01-2023
Project Cost 233000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 7920
No of direct Beneficiaries 140
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Indian Coast Guards
Project Category Special Projects