29-01-2023 - 29-01-2023

it is the saying that precautionis always better than cure by this motto for early detection of earthrities and related of orthopedic complaint,RC Mahad had organised joint healthj Check Up camp with super speciallity hospital,Sancheti orthopaedic hospital from pune for people of mahad on Jan 2023 . Check up was done of Cirum calcium level and also physiotherap Total 350 No of patients to benifit of this camp.people felt very happy for this activity from super speciallity hospital at their home town .

Project Details

Start Date 29-01-2023
End Date 29-01-2023
Project Cost 70000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1350
No of direct Beneficiaries 350
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment